About Us
The man behind Medders' Miniatures...
Warhammer has been a long-standing part of my life. Since I was a young boy, I have always enjoyed both playing Warhammer and painting the models. Nowadays, I'm a huge Horus Heresy fan and most of my projects are about the Legions! To begin with, I only painted for myself as a hobby, however as I spent countless hours painting, I had friends approach me about painting pieces for them. This is what sparked what would become Medders' Miniatures...
Starting Medders' Miniatures...
In 2018, when I was approached by a friend to paint an army for them, I decided to set up my painting commission studio: Medders' Miniatures. The business began with a few clients who were UK based however after branching out to social media, within the space of 4 years I now have clients all over the world!
1:1 Painting Tuition
After initially establishing Medders' Miniatures as a commission painting studio, I have now branched out. Another service that I now offer is 1:1 painting tuition, either via Skype or face-to-face dependent on location. If you are interested in this, please Contact Us!
Painting Courses
Alongside Myles David (Lil' Legend Studios) and Matthew Kane, we have teamed up together to offer various painting courses to develop all levels of painting skills! Keep an eye on our Instagram and Facebook pages for upcoming dates!